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14. Reference Information 14-1 Introduction to DVD 14-1-1 The Definition of DVD DVD is the next generation medium and is the acronym of the Digital Versatile Disc or thr Digital Video Disc, which maximizes the saving density of the disk surface using the MPEG-2 compression technology to enable the storage of 17G bytes of data on the same size CD. 1) 7 times the storage capacity of the conventional CD - Minimized the track pitch and pit size to 1/2 of conventional CD. - Uses red laser with short-wavelenght of 650nm (635nm). DVD Vs. CD-ROM CD-ROM CD-R/RW DVD-ROM DVD-R/RW DVD-RAM Disc Thickness 1.2mm 1.2mm 0.6*2mm 0.6*2mm 0.6*2mm Lens NA 0.45 0.45(0.5) 0.6 0.6 0.6 Laser wavelenght 780um 780um 650um 650um 650um Track pitch 1.6pm 1.6pm 0.74pm 0.74pm 0.615pm Capacity 0.65GB 0.65GB 4.7GB 4.7GB 4.7GB Track structure Pit train Groove Pit train Groove Land/Groove 2) Disc Formats DVD consists of two 0.6mm discs attached together, enabling access to the upper and lower side of the disk, and 4 sides could be used at maximum. Single Layer : 4.7GByte Dual Layer : 8.5GByte Label Label Polycarbonate Polycarbonate Reflective layer Bonding layer Bonding layer Reflective layer Semi-reflective layer Polycarbonate Polycarbonate Dual Side Single Layer : 9.5GByte Dual Side Dual Layer : 17GByte Polycarbonate Polycarbonate Semi-reflective layer Reflective layer Reflective layer Bonding layer Bonding layer

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